Micheal Moore — Weight Loss Spa

Academy-award-winning documentarian Michael Moore, famous for making documentaries that explore and satirize American social issues, gained worldwide recognition after the release of his 2002 documentary Bowling for Columbine. The “Fahrenheit 9/11” directed by him not only won the Palme d’Or at the 2004 Cannes film festival, and it was also the documentary with the highest return on investment in film history.

Recently, Moore shared with Wolf Blitzer during one CNN interview that he was able to lose weight by eating more fruits and vegetables. But other reports say that he actually went on some esoteric weight-loss spa, which helped him lose close to 60 pounds. Moore’s before-and-after pictures do indeed show that he has lost a ton of weight, but there’s scant evidence so far for how he’s been able to do it. In any case, he deserves credit nonetheless for achieving such an unbelievable transformation.
