John Goodman – Fitness And Diet

American actor and comedian John Goodman, who’s more popularly known as Dan Conner after having played the role for years on ABC’s highly successful sitcom Roseanne, reportedly lost a huge—and we mean huge!—amount of weight by drastically altering his lifestyle. Indeed, the man has lost more than 100 pounds, and if the pictures online are any indication, it looks like he lost even more than that.

How did he do it? According to Goodman, by quitting alcohol “cold turkey,” and by eating more healthily. He also apparently hired a personal trainer to help him, he has always adhered to a diet that includes lean meats, fruits, vegetables and protein shakes. He also works 6 days a week. To his credit, it seems to have changed his life. He never thinks that weight loss is a lifestyle change, but only refers to the fluctuation of numbers.
