Kelly Price – Fitness And Diet

R&B singer and songwriter Kelly Price has been blessing us with her music for years now. Price was born in Queens, New York. Influenced by her father, she also has a passion for music. After she debuted, she sang the chorus for some other singers. You may not know that she has worked with Mariah Carey, The Notorious B.I.G., and Whitney Houston.

She had been struggling with her weight ever since. Nonetheless, she snapped a photo of herself and posted it to Instagram sometime in 2016 which surprised everyone. After all, there is nothing that shows you’re winning in the battle against the bulge like a before-and-after photo. And Price’s photo, to her credit, showed that she had indeed lost a ton of weight. For Price, there’s still a long way to go, but if anything she looks completely dedicated to her workout and diet that we think there’s little doubt that she’ll be svelte in no time.
