Betty White

Betty White was born in Oak Park in 1922. Shortly after she was born, their family moved to Alhambra, California. She fell in love with wild animals and plants due to a trip to the Sierra Nevada, but due to gender restrictions on related work at the time, she had no choice but to give up. Later, because she discovered her interest in acting during her graduation performance.

She was a pioneer of television, one of the first women to control before and after the camera, and was recognized as the first woman to produce a sitcom, which prompted her to win the honorary title of mayor of Hollywood in 1955. White Known for his award-winning roles, such as Sue Ann Nivens in Mary Tyler Moore’s show and Rose Nei in “Golden Girl” by the Motion Picture Writers Association of America Lund included both series in its 101 best written TV series. Time-Elka Ostrovsky, a popular figure in Cleveland.
